What is Photoshop?
Image editing software often used to manipulate the captured image to an extent determined by the artist/re-toucher.
Colour balance, contrast, cropping.
Retouching, airbrushing.
Arguably Photoshop can be used in a similar way to Dark room processing of prints. The artist can however manipulate images far beyond the capabilities of conventional dark room techniques.
What is a Digital Composite?
Digital compositing is the process of digitally assembling multiple images to make a final image, typically for print.

"Editing should maintain the integrity of the photographic images' content and context," according to the ethics code for the National Press Photographers Association, a professional society. "Do not manipulate images ... in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects." I think there should be a limit to what gets edited and what doesn't, like some photos can be to explicit for young children so in that case yes edit it out but for photos with bad situations don't edit the majority of it because people need to take into consideration what is happening in the world and that creates awareness to support them situations. So with this photo to the side they have edited out the bloody hand to maybe show how they didn't want people to see that sort of image, however with doing that our sense of reality is gone because we don't know what is happening we just read about it making us feel sympathy for what the people are going through and brings us closer together as a society in which we need support to get through it together .
Erik Johansson

I picked this artist 'Erik Johansson because I feel that his work is quite unique and different in comparison to other artists and he focus on intimate objects rather than just people all the time.
It gives off an idea that as time is quite fast the majority of the time it's kind of the idea that we are drowning in it and not using every moment because things are happening all around us.
I was drawn to this photo considering the fact that the clock is submerged in the waves and water with someone standing on one of the clock handles.

My idea is to take a photo of the football players while they are training and then have a thought bubble with dreams of them being for a premier league match or when they are big footballers.
In this photo above I took a photo of a duck where i used the quick selection tool and did that round the background of it to circulate the duck I then I inversed it and pressed Ctrl C, then I went onto the picture of Tower Bridge and pressed Ctrl V to paste onto the water and I did that for every photo with them each growing in size each time as they go along, I then changed the brightness to make it -51 and changed the contrast to 30, after that I created a layer mask for each duck layer and that's when I used the brush tool and pressed the brackets to make it bigger, I went in with the black colour to erase the bottom of the duck to blend it in with the water/river.

Actual Images-