In my independent shoot I'm going to work with movement and shape as I feel they go well with each other to create what I envision.
For this shoot I'm going to take photos at a football game however I'm not going to focus on the movement side of the game like when players are running, tackling etc instead I'm going to focus on the shape of everything that is linked to that football game here are some examples of what I'm going to be taking photos off.

Here are some examples of the photos that I am going to be taking, I tried my hardest to find pictures of the items from the football team which I am going to take photos off so most of these are realistic in which what the items are however I am going to take it in a different angle and light to put my own little spin on it which is going to be incorporating movement, As I'm going to take photos at night when this shoot happens the lighting will be a bit different due to floodlights so I might need to take photos in day light to show a contrast it has on the items and the way it presents the item.
Research Influence-

Image Bank-
The sky reflects the relationship between the two teams and what kind of game that it was going to be.

As its a wide shot you can see the reactions of players and staff, some with their head held high to not show any weakness and to look strong.
This image was chosen as an type of idea that I want to do with my work because I feel it shows more than one perspective on the game and shows what happens behind the screen and their emotions before going into a game, it also concentrates on other aspects rather than just the players or the stadium it focuses on all of it. This is relevant to my work because I wanted to look at the shapes in a football match rather than just the players and this merges it altogether to combine shape and movement.

The Red bull helmet links towards his outfit and because he is a formula one driver that's the team he is on.
This image was chosen because even though the majority of the photo is blurred you can still see what it is trying to portray with the important parts still in focus. It's representing a name and the reputation it holds. This is relevant to my work because i want to do this kind of image however with football, so maybe have the players playing in the background and blur them out and concentrate on the ball so you can still see the concept.

The advertisement in the background 'Priceless' links to the experience the players go through and the fans because no game is the same to another.
This image was chosen because i feel like it reflects the players reaction alongside with the fans reaction, it doesn't just focus on the player it focuses on the pitch, the ball, the fans and the advertisement in the background to give this photo a bit of character even though the majority of it is blurred it adds a nice little effect onto it. This is relevant to my work because i want to capture the fans along with everything else, as at the end of the day they motivate the players and without the fans the club wouldn't get very far or have a reason to play for as they also bring money into the club to make it better.
The relationship between the players shows how they respect each other and take acknowledgement of what people are saying from their facial expressions.

This image was chosen because i feel like it represents football very well, as it is a team sport and they have to work together to win. That's why i think that this photo represents it well because at the end of the day win lose or draw, they will support each other and its not just one of them going through it its all of them. This is relevant to my work as it shows a different view/perspective to what the fans see and what the players see and from the use of the angles it collects a view which showcases what they are saying without being able to hear it which is quite strong from a photo.
Contact Sheet-

AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
The intentions for my shoot were to go to a football match and instead of focusing on more of the movement side I wanted to focus on the shapes which incorporated the goals, the stands, the numbers and etc. In every photo I chose I tried to not just focus on the players and have maybe the stand or a sponsor in the background so it's not like every other photo. I like how some of them the lighting works well with it to create a shadow and make the shape look more defined and detailed. I dislike how some of them have a bit of a blur from the floodlights facing onto them so I have to find a way to incorporate that to work in my favour.
Best Images-
AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
My idea for recording movement was to photograph the movement within men's sports which in this case was football, I was inspired by Jacques Henri-Lartigue as she photographed sports from women's perspective so I thought I would show the contrast.

I chose these as my best photos because I feel that they represented the idea that I wanted to go for and do, so the first photo on the best photos was a recreation of what Vladimir Rys did as it brings both teams together and represents the club and the emotions the players/team are going through before the start of each game. Every photo represents something different so the second photo represents them as a team, the third photo represents the difference in moods across the game and the fourth photo represents the fans thoughts and how into the game players get.
Photos That Need Improvement-

I chose these photos as needed to be improved as even though they are not the worst photos they are pretty good, I put them under improvement because they didn't fit the style of the artists I was looking at and the idea I wanted to do.
Edits For Independent Shoot-

I edited my photos using Photoshop as I wanted to create more effect from the use of the cropping tool and the brightness adjustments and I wanted to enhance the natural colours and make certain parts stand out to others like the goalkeepers kit which is luminous green
Editing Process-

AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.

First of all I cropped the image to focus more on the sign and the players underneath after that I changed the brightness and contrast to make the brightness -35 and the contrast 46 finally I deepened the curve to make some areas darker then others.
Final Photos-

AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.

These final images I have produced reflect the artists that I have researched as a combination of the two because I wanted to include a mixture of aspects from a football match and not just the player kicking the ball to give a sense of reality.