Sports- throwing balls
Cars- wheels
Drinking tea
Pages of a book
Water- ripples, stream, droplet
Wind- trees
Animal running
Movement of people
Hair flicks
Movement Ideas-
Definition & Theory-
Definition of movement. : the act or process of moving people or things from one place or position to another.
•There is no strict definition for movement in photography as for example motion can be captured through
–Freeze Frame
–Motion Blur
Freeze frames, in stills photography, involves a fast enough shutter speed to freeze the motion, based upon angle of the movement to the camera. More movement requires higher shutter speed
Motion blur is the apparent streaking of rapidly moving objects in a still image or a sequence of images such as a movie or animation. It results when the image being recorded changes during the recording of a single exposure, either due to rapid movement or long exposure.

How Does My Camera Work?
ISO- ISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor. The same principles apply as in film photography – the lower the number the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain. By choosing a higher ISO you can use a faster shutter speed to freeze the movement. (International Standards Organisation)
Aperture- Aperture is referred to the lens diaphragm opening inside a photographic lens. The size of the diaphragm opening in a camera lens regulates amount of light passes through onto the film inside the camera the moment when the shutter curtain in camera opens during an exposure process.
Shutter Speed- In photography, shutter speed or exposure time is the length of time when the film or digital sensor inside the camera is exposed to light, also when a camera's shutter is open when taking a photograph. The amount of light that reaches the film or image sensor is proportional to the exposure time.

The light path cuts through the middle where it then hits the mirror and transfers on wards towards the viewfinder.
A single-lens reflex camera (SLR) is a camera that typically uses a mirror and prism system (hence "reflex" from the mirror's reflection) that permits the photographer to view through the lens and see exactly what will be captured. With twin lens reflex and rangefinder cameras, the viewed image could be significantly different from the final image. When the shutter button is pressed on most SLRs, the mirror flips out of the light path, allowing light to pass through to the light receptor and the image to be captured.

Jacques Henri Lartigue-

Jacques-Henri Lartigue (1894-1986) thought of himself primarily as a painter and was only 'discovered' as a photographer in 1963, at the age of 69, when an exhibition of his work opened at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Throughout the course of his life Lartigue created an amazing body of photographs, filling scores of albums with his prints and written diaries.
He took his first photograph in 1900 at the age of six. Born into privilege, Lartigue's father was a banker, and the family belonged to the upper French bourgeoisie. Lartigue transfixed the delightful life of the pre-war upper classes with his fleeting visions and a passionate devotion to the pursuit of joy.
In these photos i see images of people playing either some kind of sport of jumping to get a picture for the topic of movement. It makes me feel motivated to go play sports or take photos of it which i did in this photo-shoot i took photos of football. The artist is trying to portray that girls can play sports too as in the photos its mostly women so its showing the message of that just through playing sports. The image communicates this message from focusing on their facial expressions and the way they are acting. The emotions represented in the work are happy and relaxed because they all look like they are having fun just from what we can see. I would like to know more about what the photographer was thinking for this shoot like the reasoning behind it. The things i dislike about the work is that its quite narrow so you don't get a wide perspective on what is actually happening to the side.
The things i like about the work is that its quite different and unique compared to any other artist/photographer because there is a sense of variety surrounding the one aspect of sport you can interpret in any way and it will still show the same objectives regardless of the sport. I think this work has been achieved by taking photos of people mid way through playing sports to capture their live reaction rather than have them putting on fake one meaning its ethical towards the idea of that its real. All the photos all seem to be women playing sports so it could do with the idea that women can be good at sports to as well as men however I don't know when this is set so it could be to do with that.
Contact Sheet-
AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.

My intentions for this shoot were to take photos in the inspiration of movement from the artist Jacques Henri- Lartigue, each photo is quite different in the sense of movement as some focuses on just the players and the rest is when they have the ball running, it has a bit of variety considering there are different players and different actions. The photos I put in red are the photos that I want to improve due to the fact that they might need to be more zoomed in or it's not focused on the right player.
5 Best Photos-
AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
My idea for recording movement was to photograph people playing different types of sports however for this I did it with a football match in this case. I was inspired by Jacques- Henri Lartigue from how they took photos of sports and captured there live reaction so I wanted to recreate that.

I put these photos as my best five because I feel as they all represent movement and the game of football differently. My intentions for this shoot were to capture photographs of movement within a football game, so I wanted to interpret the situation in the match because every one is different as some of them focus on the players from a close up shot compared to a wider further back shot which is mostly the first two images, I like when you can focus on their faces as well as the
5 Photos That Need Improvement-

I put these photos as need improvement as they don't really suit the artists work I was going for because it's more clear, I think in edits I need to zoom in and capture more than just the backs of the players as you get to see their natural reaction to whats happening around them. Sometimes in these photos I capture more movement around the actual photo because it's everywhere in a football game, these photos were from a couple of different games to show different backgrounds of the stadium and to get different people involved. If I was to do this shoot again I would try to get closer and maybe go on the pitch as I have access to do that when they have a home game.

I edited my photos like this to represent the style of the photographer Jacques Henri- Lartigue who focused on mostly women playing sport but I decided to use a different aspect of football and men. I tried to make the colours stand out as far from each other as possible but still giving the effect that you know who is on each team so that's where I deepened the red and made colours like yellow, blue and white lighter to show a contrast between them, I like how the ball is quite different from both of them but it is a nice mix and goes along with it.
Editing Process-
AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.

First of all I started with a raw image, I then decided to change it to black and white to go along with the photographers work however I changed some features to make some deeper than others like I did with the stripes on the back of the shirt. I then proceeded to change the curve where it made some elements that where white brighter and the black darker to give a contrast, I then moved onto exposure where I changed it ever so slightly because anything higher than that would take the attention away from the players and that was the same with the offset and gamma correction.
Final Photos-
AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.

I believe that I have produced a strong series of images inspired by my research of movement and the images of Jacques Henri- Lartigue, The final images were produced by developing using the black and white filter to contrast the shadows of the different colours mostly red.